Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Randoms

Thank goodness Friday is finally here! Having a long Thanksgiving break made this week seem like it was twice as long. I'm ready for a couple of days of relaxing with Henry and Husband.

Thank you, Husband, for hanging lights on the house- they make me happy:)

Tomorrow we plan to get our Christmas Tree!!! I can not wait. We are real tree people. Well actually we are considering becoming artificial tree people- I would love to put the tree up right after Thanksgiving and have it last. But all the fake trees that I like, and are tall enough, are so expensive! So we're going to remain real tree people until we find a good deal:)

It will be my first time going to a local Christmas tree farm to chop down a tree-a new family tradition?

We'll see how it goes... But I'm sure we won't be able to get that tree home fast enough so we can start decorating! We'll make some hot chocolate, turn up the Christmas music, and knock it out. Then finish out the night with one of our favorite Christmas movies-
Love Actually! I could watch that movie over and over again :)
Source: via Ellinor on Pinterest

I also want to start doing an Advent Calendar! I hope to find one this weekend or make one? We may have to skip a few days:)

And I need to make this Christmas tree skirt. Seems simple enough!

I'll leave you with a video of my proudest parenting accomplishment so far.
I taught Henry to start "dancing" when you say "dance party"!
It's so funny, he bobs his little body around and just feels the music:) I'm so proud to be passing on my sweet dance moves. This boy loves music- I love it!

(please ignore the annoying mom voice)

Happy Friday, everyone. Have a great weekend!